Northwest Park Annex
Northwest Park Annex is a beautiful addition to Northwest Park. The addition provides a space for families to play, picnic, and make memories. The addition has a variety of features including a basketball court, field, playground, and more. There are also several benches for parents to sit on while their children play. The Park also has an outdoor amphitheater where people can go to experience some cultural programming. Northwest Park is the perfect place for families of all ages to spend time together.
Also, Northwest Park Annex offers a variety of programs and services including: -Before and After School Care -Summer Camps -Monthly Music and Movement Classes -Clinics and Clinics on Wheels -Vacation Bible School -Parks and Recreation Classes All of these programs and services are offered at a reasonable price and offer many different opportunities for children of all ages to play and learn. Northwest Park Annex is a great place to connect with your community and keep your kids safe while they play.
The Park was packed with people enjoying the summer weather, their families, and the various activities the park had to offer. Therefore, Northwest Park is a great place for both adults and children to come and experience nature. So, if you think about this place, don’t forget to include Excel Heating & Air Conditioning whenever you need an HVAC service expert!
Contact us today at:
Excel Heating & Air Conditioning
91 N. McKinley St. , Greenwood, IN 46142